Ogoh-ogoh, Simbol Bhuta Kala Menjelang Nyepi
Ogoh-ogoh merupakan budaya baru di Bali. Kehadirannya menjadi salah satu pelengkap ritual Nyepi.
Sehari sebelum Nyepi, masyarakat Hindu khususnya di Bali, melaksanakan tradisi pengrupukan. Tradisi ini semacam prosesi mengembalikan bhuta kala ke asalnya. Menurut kepercayaan, mereka dibangunkan dengan alat-alat, umumnya obor; api saprakpak, sembur meswi, bunyi-bunyian kentongan yang dibawa mengelilingi seisi rumah. Sementara itu, berwujud ogoh-ogoh, sang “bhuta kala” lalu diarak menuju catus pata, perempatan.
Pawai ogoh-ogoh hampir selalu diadakan tiap kali menyambut hari raya Nyepi. Rupa mereka direka sedemikian rupa dengan variasi bentuk menyeramkan. Ada yang berwujud raksasa, perjelmaan dewa-dewi dalam murti-nya, mengambil tokoh dari cerita pewayangan atau memakai figur-figur yang sedang populer. Mereka dirakit memadukan estetika seni yang memikat secara visual.
Hampir setiap tahun, keberadaan ogoh-ogoh bak penggenap wajib dalam tradisi menyambut Nyepi. Pawai semarak selalu menjadi atraksi yang dinanti. Kebanyakan orang pasti bertanya perihal cikal bakal ogoh-ogoh dalam tradisi menyambut Nyepi. Salah satu yang tergelitik adalah Kadek Adhi Indrayana. Dia membuat penelitian tentang ogoh-ogoh secara akademis.
Lulusan S1 Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) Denpasar yang mengambil program S2 Kajian Budaya ini, mengangkat keberadaan ogoh-ogoh dalam kaitannya dengan ritual Nyepi. Dalam tesisnya, putra pemilik Sanggar Gases Bali ini mencoba mengupas keberadaan ogoh-ogoh dalam hal bentuk, fungsi, dan makna. Ditemui di kantor kecilnya di Jalan Dukuh Sari ketika tengah melayani pelanggan pekan lalu, Kadek Adhi berbagi cerita sekaligus berkenan membagi materi tesisnya.
Ia mengawali perbincangan dengan mengatakan, ogoh-ogoh sebagai suatu bentuk perwujudan. “Ogoh-ogoh sesungguhnya merupakan gambaran akan bhuta kala yang diwujudkan ke dalam suatu bentuk,” terang Kadek Adhi.
Penamaan ogoh-ogoh pun diambil dari sebutan ogah-ogah dari bahasa Bali. Artinya sesuatu yang digoyang-goyangkan. Ogoh-ogoh diabadikan bahkan dalam sebuah lagu Bali cukup populer. Kata-kata itu dicatumkan sebagai lirik berbunyi “ogah-ogah, ogoh-ogoh, kala-kali lumamapah/ ogah-ogah, ogoh-ogoh, ngiterin desa…”.
Tahun 1983 bisa menjadi bagian penting dalam sejarah ogoh-ogoh di Bali. Pada tahun itu mulai dibuat wujud-wujud bhuta kala berkenaan dengan ritual Nyepi di Bali. “Ketika itu ada keputusan presiden yang menyatakan Nyepi sebagai hari libur nasional,” tutur Kadek Adhi. Semenjak itu masyarakat mulai membuat perwujudan onggokan yang kemudian disebut ogoh-ogoh, di beberapa tempat di Denpasar.
Budaya baru ini semakin menyebar ketika ogoh-ogoh diikutkan dalam Pesta Kesenian Bali ke XII. Delapan kabupaten ikut berkontribusi. Sebelum itu, menurut Kadek Adhi, hanya ada pawai-pawai tanpa ada bentuk perwujudan.
Tradisi mengembalikan Bhuta Kala ke asalnya di hari pengrupukan, disimbolkan dengan ogoh-ogoh, mirip tradisi lama masyarakat Hindu Bali. Tradisi Barong Landung, Tradisi Ndong Nding dan Ngaben Ngwangun yang menggunakan ogoh-ogoh Sang Kalika, disebutkan Kadek Andhi bisa juga dirujuk untuk menelusuri cikal bakal wujud ogoh-ogoh.
Di dalam babad, tradisi Barong Landung berasal dari cerita tentang seorang putri Dalem Balingkang, Sri Baduga dan pangeran Raden Datonta yang menikah ke Bali. Tradisi meintar mengarak dua ogoh-ogoh berupa laki-laki dan wanita mengelilingi desa tiap sasih keenam sampai kesanga. Visualisasi wujud Barong Landung inilah yang dianggap sebagai cikal bakal lahirnya ogoh-ogoh dalam ritual Nyepi.
“Ada tradisi Ndong-nding yang bisa juga dirujuk,” tambah Kadek Adhi. Ngusaba Ndong nding semacam tradisi pengusiran hama di Karangasem, menurut Kadek Adhi, ritual ini menggunakan lelakut, semacam orang-orangan sawah. Hama diibaratkan sebagai sang bhuta kala, energi negatif yang mengganggu manusia.
Begitu halnya ketika hari pengrupukan. Sang Bhuta Kala diberi upah berupa pecaruan, lalu disomya, disadarkan agar kembali ke asalnya. Dualisme itu ada dan harus diseimbangkan.
“Ada mantra khan yang bunyinya dewa ya, bhuta ya, kala ya,” ujarrnya. Diterangkannya, dewa dari div berarti sinar; bhuta dari bhu berarti gelap. Sedangkan kala yang berada di tengah-tengah, berarti energi atau kekuatan bisa juga waktu.
“Maka, ketika kala terpengaruh bhuta dia mengandung energi kegelapan, negatif menjadi bhuta kala. Sebaliknya, begitu juga pada dewa,” terangnya. Sifat-sifat itu juga ada dalam manusia. “Bila kita marah, menyeramkan, kita memiliki sifat-sifat bhuta,” urai kadek Andhi yang juga mengabdi sebagai mangku.
Ogoh-ogoh menurut Kadek Andhi juga digunakan dalam upacara ngaben. “Ada namanya Ngaben Ngwangun, salah satu tingkatan upacara ngaben, bisa berupa kakek atau nenek,” ungkapnya sembari menerangkan juga perihal Sang Kalika.
Kaca Rasa
Ogoh-ogoh merupakan budaya baru di Bali. Kehadirannya menjadi salah satu pelengkap ritual Nyepi. “Ada budaya-budaya yang mengalami proses tersakralisasi dan itu sah-sah saja,” paparnya. Eksistensi tradisi dalam pelaksanaan ritual umat Hindu di Bali saling melengkapi, sudah baur menjadi kesatuan.
Seiring waktu banyak yang mengkaji keberadaan ogoh-ogoh baik dari tafsir agama, seni dan budaya. “Setelah dikaji dan dikaitkan dengan konsep agama, ogoh-ogoh lebih mengarah ke bentuk tradisi,” ujar kadek Adhi.
Ogoh-ogoh merunut jejaknya, kemunculannya lebih kepada suatu bentuk simbolisasi. Menyimbolkan energi-energi negatif sang bhuta kala, dengan perwujudan menyeramkan untuk dipralina, dilebur dengan air maupun api. “Umpamanya, kalau mau mengusir yang jahat pakailah perwujudan yang serem juga,” candanya. Logika ini ia namai dengan konsep kaca rasa, yang memberikan suatu cerminan atas sesuatu yang terlihat.
“Sebagai suatu bentuk karya seni, ia juga tak bisa dilepaskan dari unsur Satyam, Siwam dan Sundaram,” jelasnya. Konsep penciptaan dalam masyarakat Hindu sangat terkait dengan unsur Kebenaran (satyam), kebaikan/kesucian (siwam) dan keindahan (sundaram).
don't know?
Sabtu, 09 Maret 2013
Ogoh-ogoh, Bhuta Kala Ahead of Nyepi Symbols [eng]
Ogoh-ogoh, Bhuta Kala Ahead of Nyepi Symbols
Ogoh-ogoh is a new culture in Bali. Its presence has a complementary rituals Nyepi.
The day before Nyepi, the Hindu community in Bali in particular, carry pengrupukan tradition. This tradition is a kind of procession returns to the bhuta kala origin. According to belief, they were awakened by tools, torches generally; fire saprakpak, spray meswi, gong sounds are brought around the whole house. Meanwhile, tangible ogoh-ogoh, the "bhuta kala" and marched towards catus pata, intersection.
Ogoh-ogoh parade held almost every time welcome Nyepi day. A manner such that they cooked up with various forms of creepy. There is a huge intangible, perjelmaan gods in his murti, taking characters from the story using puppets or figures that are popular. They assembled blends aesthetics visually compelling art.
Almost every year, the presence of ogoh-ogoh like penggenap mandatory in the tradition of welcome Nyepi. The parade has always been a lively attractions are anticipated. Most people would question the ogoh-ogoh forerunner in the tradition of welcome Nyepi. One of the tingle is Kadek Adhi Indrayana. He made a study of ogoh-ogoh academically.
S1 graduate of the Indonesian Arts Institute (ISI) Denpasar taking S2 Cultural Studies program, the existence of ogoh-ogoh raised in relation to the ritual of Nyepi. In his thesis, the son of the owner of Studio Gases Bali tries to analyze the existence of ogoh-ogoh in terms of form, function and meaning. Found in her small office in Jalan Sari Hamlet when the center serves customers last week, Kadek Adhi share stories at once pleasing divides his thesis material.
He started the conversation by saying, ogoh-ogoh as a form of embodiment. "Ogoh-ogoh is actually a picture of the bhuta kala which translated into a form," said Kadek Adhi.
Naming ogoh-ogoh was taken from the title dim view of the Balinese language. That is something shake. Ogoh-ogoh even immortalized in a song Bali is quite popular. The words dicatumkan as the lyrics say "dim view, ogoh-ogoh, kala-time lumamapah / dim view, ogoh-ogoh, ngiterin village ...".
Year 1983 could be an important part in the history of ogoh-ogoh in Bali. In that year began to be made bhuta kala beings with regard to ritual Nyepi in Bali. "When it was Nyepi presidential decree declared a national holiday," said Kadek Adhi. Since then people started making piles embodiment then called ogoh-ogoh, in some places in Denpasar.
This new culture is spreading as ogoh-ogoh included in the Bali Arts Festival to XII. Eight districts to contribute. Before that, according to Kadek Adhi, there were marches without any form of manifestation.
LelakutTradition returns to his native Bhuta Kala pengrupukan day, symbolized by the ogoh-ogoh, similar to the old tradition of Hindu community in Bali. Barong Landung Tradition, Tradition and cremation Ngwangun Ndong nding that use the ogoh-ogoh Kalika, Kadek Andhi mentioned can also be referred to browse the precursor form of ogoh-ogoh.
In the chronicle, Barong Landung tradition comes from a story about a princess Dalem Balingkang, Sri Baduga and Prince Raden Datonta married to Bali. Tradition meintar paraded two ogoh-ogoh in the form of men and women around the village each sasih sixth to Kesanga. Visualization is a form of Barong Landung considered a forerunner to the birth of ogoh-ogoh in rituals Nyepi.
"There is a tradition Ndong-nding that can also be referred," said Kadek Adhi. Ngusaba Ndong nding something of a tradition in Karangasem pest expulsion, according to Kadek Adhi, ritual uses lelakut, sort of scarecrow. Hama described as the bhuta kala, the negative energy that bothers people.
As soon as when the day pengrupukan. The Bhuta Kala pecaruan be rewarded in the form, then disomya, awakened to return to its origin. The dualism that exists and must be balanced.
"There is a mantra that sounds khan god yes, bhuta ya, when ya," ujarrnya. He explained, the god of the div means light; bhuta of bhu means dark. While at the time who was in the middle, meaning energy or force can also time.
"Then, when he bhuta kala affected containing dark energy, negative into bhuta kala. By contrast, as well as the gods, "he explained. The properties also exist in humans. "When we are angry, creepy, we have properties bhuta," explained kadek Andhi who also served as Mangku.
Ogoh-ogoh by Kadek Andhi also used in the cremation ceremony. "There is a name Ngaben Ngwangun, one level cremation ceremony, may be a grandparent," he said as he also explained about the Kalika.
Glass SenseOgoh-ogoh is a new culture in Bali. Its presence has a complementary rituals Nyepi. "There are cultures that had tersakralisasi process and it is legitimate," he said. The existence of a tradition in Hindu rituals in Bali are complementary, have diffuse into unity.
Over time, many are assessing the ogoh-ogoh both interpretations of religion, art and culture. "Having studied and related to the concept of religion, ogoh-ogoh more towards the traditional form," said Adhi kadek.
Ogoh-ogoh tracing his footsteps, rather the emergence of a form of symbolism. Symbolizes the negative energies of the bhuta kala, the embodiment of creepy to dipralina, dissolved into water or fire. "For example, if you want to chase away the evil wear a scary realization, too," he joked. He named this logic with the concept of glass taste, which gives a reflection of something that looks.
"As an art form, it also can not be separated from the element of Satyam, Siwam and Sundaram," he explained. The concept of creation in Hindu society is strongly associated with the element of truth (satyam), goodness / holiness (siwam) and beauty (sundaram).
Ogoh-ogoh is a new culture in Bali. Its presence has a complementary rituals Nyepi.
The day before Nyepi, the Hindu community in Bali in particular, carry pengrupukan tradition. This tradition is a kind of procession returns to the bhuta kala origin. According to belief, they were awakened by tools, torches generally; fire saprakpak, spray meswi, gong sounds are brought around the whole house. Meanwhile, tangible ogoh-ogoh, the "bhuta kala" and marched towards catus pata, intersection.
Ogoh-ogoh parade held almost every time welcome Nyepi day. A manner such that they cooked up with various forms of creepy. There is a huge intangible, perjelmaan gods in his murti, taking characters from the story using puppets or figures that are popular. They assembled blends aesthetics visually compelling art.
Almost every year, the presence of ogoh-ogoh like penggenap mandatory in the tradition of welcome Nyepi. The parade has always been a lively attractions are anticipated. Most people would question the ogoh-ogoh forerunner in the tradition of welcome Nyepi. One of the tingle is Kadek Adhi Indrayana. He made a study of ogoh-ogoh academically.
S1 graduate of the Indonesian Arts Institute (ISI) Denpasar taking S2 Cultural Studies program, the existence of ogoh-ogoh raised in relation to the ritual of Nyepi. In his thesis, the son of the owner of Studio Gases Bali tries to analyze the existence of ogoh-ogoh in terms of form, function and meaning. Found in her small office in Jalan Sari Hamlet when the center serves customers last week, Kadek Adhi share stories at once pleasing divides his thesis material.
He started the conversation by saying, ogoh-ogoh as a form of embodiment. "Ogoh-ogoh is actually a picture of the bhuta kala which translated into a form," said Kadek Adhi.
Naming ogoh-ogoh was taken from the title dim view of the Balinese language. That is something shake. Ogoh-ogoh even immortalized in a song Bali is quite popular. The words dicatumkan as the lyrics say "dim view, ogoh-ogoh, kala-time lumamapah / dim view, ogoh-ogoh, ngiterin village ...".
Year 1983 could be an important part in the history of ogoh-ogoh in Bali. In that year began to be made bhuta kala beings with regard to ritual Nyepi in Bali. "When it was Nyepi presidential decree declared a national holiday," said Kadek Adhi. Since then people started making piles embodiment then called ogoh-ogoh, in some places in Denpasar.
This new culture is spreading as ogoh-ogoh included in the Bali Arts Festival to XII. Eight districts to contribute. Before that, according to Kadek Adhi, there were marches without any form of manifestation.
LelakutTradition returns to his native Bhuta Kala pengrupukan day, symbolized by the ogoh-ogoh, similar to the old tradition of Hindu community in Bali. Barong Landung Tradition, Tradition and cremation Ngwangun Ndong nding that use the ogoh-ogoh Kalika, Kadek Andhi mentioned can also be referred to browse the precursor form of ogoh-ogoh.
In the chronicle, Barong Landung tradition comes from a story about a princess Dalem Balingkang, Sri Baduga and Prince Raden Datonta married to Bali. Tradition meintar paraded two ogoh-ogoh in the form of men and women around the village each sasih sixth to Kesanga. Visualization is a form of Barong Landung considered a forerunner to the birth of ogoh-ogoh in rituals Nyepi.
"There is a tradition Ndong-nding that can also be referred," said Kadek Adhi. Ngusaba Ndong nding something of a tradition in Karangasem pest expulsion, according to Kadek Adhi, ritual uses lelakut, sort of scarecrow. Hama described as the bhuta kala, the negative energy that bothers people.
As soon as when the day pengrupukan. The Bhuta Kala pecaruan be rewarded in the form, then disomya, awakened to return to its origin. The dualism that exists and must be balanced.
"There is a mantra that sounds khan god yes, bhuta ya, when ya," ujarrnya. He explained, the god of the div means light; bhuta of bhu means dark. While at the time who was in the middle, meaning energy or force can also time.
"Then, when he bhuta kala affected containing dark energy, negative into bhuta kala. By contrast, as well as the gods, "he explained. The properties also exist in humans. "When we are angry, creepy, we have properties bhuta," explained kadek Andhi who also served as Mangku.
Ogoh-ogoh by Kadek Andhi also used in the cremation ceremony. "There is a name Ngaben Ngwangun, one level cremation ceremony, may be a grandparent," he said as he also explained about the Kalika.
Glass SenseOgoh-ogoh is a new culture in Bali. Its presence has a complementary rituals Nyepi. "There are cultures that had tersakralisasi process and it is legitimate," he said. The existence of a tradition in Hindu rituals in Bali are complementary, have diffuse into unity.
Over time, many are assessing the ogoh-ogoh both interpretations of religion, art and culture. "Having studied and related to the concept of religion, ogoh-ogoh more towards the traditional form," said Adhi kadek.
Ogoh-ogoh tracing his footsteps, rather the emergence of a form of symbolism. Symbolizes the negative energies of the bhuta kala, the embodiment of creepy to dipralina, dissolved into water or fire. "For example, if you want to chase away the evil wear a scary realization, too," he joked. He named this logic with the concept of glass taste, which gives a reflection of something that looks.
"As an art form, it also can not be separated from the element of Satyam, Siwam and Sundaram," he explained. The concept of creation in Hindu society is strongly associated with the element of truth (satyam), goodness / holiness (siwam) and beauty (sundaram).
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Rangsanglah Panca Indra Bayi Agar Menjadi Anak Cerdas [indo]
Rangsanglah Panca Indra Bayi Agar Menjadi Anak Cerdas
Linda Mayasari - detikHealth
Jakarta, Seorang anak dapat belajar dengan baik jika seluruh panca indranya Paberkembang dengan sempurna sejak bayi. Orang tua perlu mengembangkan sistem panca indra anak sejak bayi lahir agar anak tumbuh menjadi seseorang yang cerdas.
Perkembangan sistem panca indra yang baik pada bayi memiliki pengaruh besar terhadap perkembangan otaknya. Ketika indra pendengaran, penglihatan, penciuman, perasa, dam sentuhan dapat menanggapi respons dengan baik, otak akan semakin terstimulasi untuk memproses rangsangan tersebut.
Berikut hal-hal yang perlu Anda perhatikan untuk meningkatkan kecerdasan anak melalui sistem panca indranya sejak masih bayi, seperti dilansir Fit Pregnancy, Senin (11/2/2013) antara lain:
1. Pendengaran
Seorang psikolog anak ternama di Harvard University, Jerome Kagan, Ph.D menyatakan bahwa bayi akan merasa tenang ketika mendengar musik dengan melodi harmonis, namun bayi juga dapat rewel dan menangis ketika mendengarkan musik-musik dengan melodi yang tidak beraturan.
Telinga bayi sangat sensitif terhadap kualitas suara dan pola intonasi yang berbeda. Bahkan bayi yang baru lahir tampaknya dapat mendeteksi perbedaan antara tinggi rendahnya nada suara dari laki-laki dan perempuan. Inilah salah satu alasan mengapa bayi mampu merespon irama yang digunakan orang dewasa ketika berbicara dengannya.
Orang tua perlu memanfaatkan hal tersebut dengan mengajak bayinya berbicara sesering mungkin untuk membantu mengembangkan kemampuan bahasa yang penting bagi anak Anda kelak.
2. Sentuhan
Sentuhan adalah indra yang paling berkembang baik pada bayi setelah dilahirkan, bahkan sentuhan sederhana seperti merangsang bagian dalam mulut bayi dengan puting payudara ibu dapat mendorong pertumbuhannya.
Sebuah studi juga menunjukkan bahwa bayi prematur yang dipijat secara teratur dapat menambah berat badan daripada bayi yang tidak dipijat. Sentuhan yang lembut juga dapat membantu tubuh bayi mempersiapkan koordinasi antara tangan dengan mata.
3. Perasa dan penciuman
Sebuah studi di Monell Chemical Senses Center, Philadelphia menemukan bahwa bayi dapat menumbuhkan selera makannya sendiri melalui rasa dan bau yang hadir dalam susu ibu. Bayi akan memberikan respons yang berbeda ketika bau atau rasa alami dari air susu yang diminumnya berubah.
Bayi juga dapat mengenali bau khas dari ibunya dan sebuah studi menyatakan bahwa bayi akan berhenti menangis dan merasa lebih tenang jika telah berada di pelukan sang ibu dan mengenali bahwa dirinya berada di tempat yang aman, yaitu ibunya.
4. Penglihatan
Selama 12 bulan pertama kehidupan, perkembangan indra penglihatan bayi dapat bervariasi. Tetapi umumnya setiap anak akan mencapai tahap perkembangan penglihatan yang sempurna sebelum berusia sekitar 3 atau 4 tahun. Pilihlah mainan bayi dengan kontras warna yang terang untuk membantu mengembangkan indra penglihatan bayi.
Orang tua mungkin akan khawatir ketika melihat kecenderungan mata bayi yang sedikit menyimpang karena mencoba untuk fokus, namun hal ini normal sampai usia 3 bulan. Setelah bayi berusia 6 bulan, kedua bola mata bayi harus bergerak seirama ketika melihat ke satu arah.
Hal yang paling penting untuk mengembangkan indra penglihatan seorang bayi adalah dengan membuat kontak mata. Studi menunjukkan bahwa bayi yang kurang memiliki kontak mata dengan orangtuanya, akan mengalami keterlambatan perkembangan indra penglihatan.
Linda Mayasari - detikHealth
Jakarta, Seorang anak dapat belajar dengan baik jika seluruh panca indranya Paberkembang dengan sempurna sejak bayi. Orang tua perlu mengembangkan sistem panca indra anak sejak bayi lahir agar anak tumbuh menjadi seseorang yang cerdas.
Perkembangan sistem panca indra yang baik pada bayi memiliki pengaruh besar terhadap perkembangan otaknya. Ketika indra pendengaran, penglihatan, penciuman, perasa, dam sentuhan dapat menanggapi respons dengan baik, otak akan semakin terstimulasi untuk memproses rangsangan tersebut.
Berikut hal-hal yang perlu Anda perhatikan untuk meningkatkan kecerdasan anak melalui sistem panca indranya sejak masih bayi, seperti dilansir Fit Pregnancy, Senin (11/2/2013) antara lain:
1. Pendengaran
Seorang psikolog anak ternama di Harvard University, Jerome Kagan, Ph.D menyatakan bahwa bayi akan merasa tenang ketika mendengar musik dengan melodi harmonis, namun bayi juga dapat rewel dan menangis ketika mendengarkan musik-musik dengan melodi yang tidak beraturan.
Telinga bayi sangat sensitif terhadap kualitas suara dan pola intonasi yang berbeda. Bahkan bayi yang baru lahir tampaknya dapat mendeteksi perbedaan antara tinggi rendahnya nada suara dari laki-laki dan perempuan. Inilah salah satu alasan mengapa bayi mampu merespon irama yang digunakan orang dewasa ketika berbicara dengannya.
Orang tua perlu memanfaatkan hal tersebut dengan mengajak bayinya berbicara sesering mungkin untuk membantu mengembangkan kemampuan bahasa yang penting bagi anak Anda kelak.
2. Sentuhan
Sentuhan adalah indra yang paling berkembang baik pada bayi setelah dilahirkan, bahkan sentuhan sederhana seperti merangsang bagian dalam mulut bayi dengan puting payudara ibu dapat mendorong pertumbuhannya.
Sebuah studi juga menunjukkan bahwa bayi prematur yang dipijat secara teratur dapat menambah berat badan daripada bayi yang tidak dipijat. Sentuhan yang lembut juga dapat membantu tubuh bayi mempersiapkan koordinasi antara tangan dengan mata.
3. Perasa dan penciuman
Sebuah studi di Monell Chemical Senses Center, Philadelphia menemukan bahwa bayi dapat menumbuhkan selera makannya sendiri melalui rasa dan bau yang hadir dalam susu ibu. Bayi akan memberikan respons yang berbeda ketika bau atau rasa alami dari air susu yang diminumnya berubah.
Bayi juga dapat mengenali bau khas dari ibunya dan sebuah studi menyatakan bahwa bayi akan berhenti menangis dan merasa lebih tenang jika telah berada di pelukan sang ibu dan mengenali bahwa dirinya berada di tempat yang aman, yaitu ibunya.
4. Penglihatan
Selama 12 bulan pertama kehidupan, perkembangan indra penglihatan bayi dapat bervariasi. Tetapi umumnya setiap anak akan mencapai tahap perkembangan penglihatan yang sempurna sebelum berusia sekitar 3 atau 4 tahun. Pilihlah mainan bayi dengan kontras warna yang terang untuk membantu mengembangkan indra penglihatan bayi.
Orang tua mungkin akan khawatir ketika melihat kecenderungan mata bayi yang sedikit menyimpang karena mencoba untuk fokus, namun hal ini normal sampai usia 3 bulan. Setelah bayi berusia 6 bulan, kedua bola mata bayi harus bergerak seirama ketika melihat ke satu arah.
Hal yang paling penting untuk mengembangkan indra penglihatan seorang bayi adalah dengan membuat kontak mata. Studi menunjukkan bahwa bayi yang kurang memiliki kontak mata dengan orangtuanya, akan mengalami keterlambatan perkembangan indra penglihatan.
Stimulate Panca Indra Infant Son To Be Smart [eng]
Stimulate Panca Indra Infant Son To Be SmartLinda Mayasari - detikHealth
Jakarta, A child can learn better if all senses Paberkembang perfectly as a baby. Parents need to develop a system senses children from birth so that children grow up to be someone who is intelligent.
The development of the system senses that both babies had a major influence on brain development. When the sense of hearing, sight, smell, taste, touch dams can respond with a good response, the brain will be stimulated to process the stimulus.
Here are the things you need to consider to improve the intelligence of children through the system senses from infancy, as reported by Fit Pregnancy, Monday (02/11/2013), among others:
1. HearingA renowned child psychologist at Harvard University, Jerome Kagan, Ph.D. stated that the baby will feel calm when listening to music with melodic harmony, but can also be fussy baby and cry when listening to music with a melody that is irregular.
Baby's ears are very sensitive to the quality of sound and intonation patterns are different. Even newborns seem to be able to detect the difference between high and low tone of voice of men and women. This is one reason why the baby is able to respond to the rhythm that is used when talking to adults.
Parents need to take advantage of it by getting the baby talk as often as possible to help develop language skills that are important for your child's future.
2. TouchTouch is the most well-developed senses of the baby after birth, even a simple touch as stimulate the baby's mouth with a mother's nipple to encourage growth.
A study also showed that premature infants who were massaged regularly to gain weight than babies who are not massaged. Soft touch can also help prepare the baby's body with hand eye coordination.
3. Taste and smellA study at the Monell Chemical Senses Center, Philadelphia found that babies can grow their own appetites through taste and smell are present in breast milk. Babies will give different responses when natural odor or taste of the water they drink milk changed.
Infants can also recognize the distinctive smell of his mother and a study stating that the baby would not stop crying and feel better if had been in his mother's arms and recognize that he is in a safe place, which is his mother.
4. VisionDuring the first 12 months of life, the development of infant visual sense may vary. But generally every child will achieve perfect vision stage of development before the age of about 3 or 4 years. Choose baby toys with bright contrasting colors to help develop baby's sense of sight.
Parents may be worried when I saw the baby's eyes a little tendency to deviate as it tries to focus, but it is normal until the age of 3 months. After the baby is 6 months old, babies have both eyes move in rhythm when looking in one direction.
It is most important to develop a baby's sense of sight is to make eye contact. Studies show that babies who have less eye contact with their parents, will experience delays in the development of the sense of sight.
Jakarta, A child can learn better if all senses Paberkembang perfectly as a baby. Parents need to develop a system senses children from birth so that children grow up to be someone who is intelligent.
The development of the system senses that both babies had a major influence on brain development. When the sense of hearing, sight, smell, taste, touch dams can respond with a good response, the brain will be stimulated to process the stimulus.
Here are the things you need to consider to improve the intelligence of children through the system senses from infancy, as reported by Fit Pregnancy, Monday (02/11/2013), among others:
1. HearingA renowned child psychologist at Harvard University, Jerome Kagan, Ph.D. stated that the baby will feel calm when listening to music with melodic harmony, but can also be fussy baby and cry when listening to music with a melody that is irregular.
Baby's ears are very sensitive to the quality of sound and intonation patterns are different. Even newborns seem to be able to detect the difference between high and low tone of voice of men and women. This is one reason why the baby is able to respond to the rhythm that is used when talking to adults.
Parents need to take advantage of it by getting the baby talk as often as possible to help develop language skills that are important for your child's future.
2. TouchTouch is the most well-developed senses of the baby after birth, even a simple touch as stimulate the baby's mouth with a mother's nipple to encourage growth.
A study also showed that premature infants who were massaged regularly to gain weight than babies who are not massaged. Soft touch can also help prepare the baby's body with hand eye coordination.
3. Taste and smellA study at the Monell Chemical Senses Center, Philadelphia found that babies can grow their own appetites through taste and smell are present in breast milk. Babies will give different responses when natural odor or taste of the water they drink milk changed.
Infants can also recognize the distinctive smell of his mother and a study stating that the baby would not stop crying and feel better if had been in his mother's arms and recognize that he is in a safe place, which is his mother.
4. VisionDuring the first 12 months of life, the development of infant visual sense may vary. But generally every child will achieve perfect vision stage of development before the age of about 3 or 4 years. Choose baby toys with bright contrasting colors to help develop baby's sense of sight.
Parents may be worried when I saw the baby's eyes a little tendency to deviate as it tries to focus, but it is normal until the age of 3 months. After the baby is 6 months old, babies have both eyes move in rhythm when looking in one direction.
It is most important to develop a baby's sense of sight is to make eye contact. Studies show that babies who have less eye contact with their parents, will experience delays in the development of the sense of sight.
Ini Caranya Agar Bayi Punya IQ Tinggi Sejak dalam Kandungan [INDO]
Ini Caranya Agar Bayi Punya IQ Tinggi Sejak dalam Kandungan
Merry Wahyuningsih - detikHealth
Jakarta, Setiap orang tua tentu menginginkan putra putrinya lahir dengan sehat dan tumbuh menjadi anak yang cerdas. Bila ingin memiliki anak ber-IQ tinggi, orang tua sebaiknya mempersiapkan sejak bayi masih dalam kandungan.
Para ahli kesehatan telah mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang dapat meningkatkan IQ bayi saat ia dalam rahim ibu. Makan makanan sehat dan merangsang anak yang belum lahir saat masih dalam kandungan, dapat menciptakan sambungan di otak untuk meningkatkan kecerdasan dan konsentrasi, yang membantunya belajar di kemudian hari.
Berikut beberapa hal yang bisa dilakukan untuk meningkatkan IQ anak sejak ia masih dalam kandungan, seperti dilansir Onlymyhealth, Rabu (27/2/2013):
1. Sering mengajak janin bicara
Janin yang sedang berkembang di rahim sudah dapat mendengar suara yang terjadi di luar rahim setelah kehamilan 23 minggu. Bayi dalam kandungan memiliki kemampuan yang terbatas untuk mendengar, tetapi dapat membedakan suara ibunya.
Pakar kesehatan di NYU Brain Research Laboratories setuju bahwa mendengarkan musik yang menenangkan atau membacakan puisi untuk bayi Anda sejak ia masih dalam rahim dapat berguna untuk meningkatkan kemampuan menulis, membaca dan bahasa bayi kelak.
2. Makan makanan yang sehat
Membuat pilihan makan yang tepat tidak hanya akan menguntungkan ibu hamil tetapi juga memiliki dampak positif pada perkembangan bayi. Makanan tinggi lemak omega-3 (nabati) dan turunannya (DHA) meningkatkan perkembangan otak bayi.
Ikan berlemak seperti tuna, salmon, ikan herring, minyak ikan, dan hati yang tinggi omega-3, serta unggas dan kuning telur dianjurkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan DHA. Makanan tinggi asam folat, yang meliputi buah jeruk, brokoli, hati, sayuran berdaun hijau dan kacang-kacangan menghilangkan risiko cacat saraf otak dan tulang belakang pada bayi.
3. Merangsang bayi
Studi Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychology menyarankan bahwa cahaya redup bisa merangsang bayi saat diletakkan dekat dengan perut ibu. Jangan memberi bayi cahaya terang langsung di perut karena dapat membahayakan mata bayi.
Anda akan merasakan responsnya ketika merasakan ada gerakan menendang atau bergerak dari dalam perut. Menyentuh perut dengan lembut juga merupakan cara lain untuk merangsang si buah hati.
4. Hindari stres
Hindari stres karena dapat berdampak negatif pada perkembangan bayi. Jika Anda stres dan cemas, ada kemungkinan akan membuat bayi cemas juga karena Anda berbagi hormon dengannya. Untuk menghindari stres, praktikkan latihan relaksasi atau yoga prenatal.
5. Hentikan kebiasaan tak sehat
Berhentilah merokok, minum alkohol atau mengonsumsi obat-obatan karena dapat menghambat perkembangan otak bayi, menurut sebuah studi yang dilakukan di Moffitt Cancer Center.
Merry Wahyuningsih - detikHealth
Jakarta, Setiap orang tua tentu menginginkan putra putrinya lahir dengan sehat dan tumbuh menjadi anak yang cerdas. Bila ingin memiliki anak ber-IQ tinggi, orang tua sebaiknya mempersiapkan sejak bayi masih dalam kandungan.
Para ahli kesehatan telah mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang dapat meningkatkan IQ bayi saat ia dalam rahim ibu. Makan makanan sehat dan merangsang anak yang belum lahir saat masih dalam kandungan, dapat menciptakan sambungan di otak untuk meningkatkan kecerdasan dan konsentrasi, yang membantunya belajar di kemudian hari.
Berikut beberapa hal yang bisa dilakukan untuk meningkatkan IQ anak sejak ia masih dalam kandungan, seperti dilansir Onlymyhealth, Rabu (27/2/2013):
1. Sering mengajak janin bicara
Janin yang sedang berkembang di rahim sudah dapat mendengar suara yang terjadi di luar rahim setelah kehamilan 23 minggu. Bayi dalam kandungan memiliki kemampuan yang terbatas untuk mendengar, tetapi dapat membedakan suara ibunya.
Pakar kesehatan di NYU Brain Research Laboratories setuju bahwa mendengarkan musik yang menenangkan atau membacakan puisi untuk bayi Anda sejak ia masih dalam rahim dapat berguna untuk meningkatkan kemampuan menulis, membaca dan bahasa bayi kelak.
2. Makan makanan yang sehat
Membuat pilihan makan yang tepat tidak hanya akan menguntungkan ibu hamil tetapi juga memiliki dampak positif pada perkembangan bayi. Makanan tinggi lemak omega-3 (nabati) dan turunannya (DHA) meningkatkan perkembangan otak bayi.
Ikan berlemak seperti tuna, salmon, ikan herring, minyak ikan, dan hati yang tinggi omega-3, serta unggas dan kuning telur dianjurkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan DHA. Makanan tinggi asam folat, yang meliputi buah jeruk, brokoli, hati, sayuran berdaun hijau dan kacang-kacangan menghilangkan risiko cacat saraf otak dan tulang belakang pada bayi.
3. Merangsang bayi
Studi Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychology menyarankan bahwa cahaya redup bisa merangsang bayi saat diletakkan dekat dengan perut ibu. Jangan memberi bayi cahaya terang langsung di perut karena dapat membahayakan mata bayi.
Anda akan merasakan responsnya ketika merasakan ada gerakan menendang atau bergerak dari dalam perut. Menyentuh perut dengan lembut juga merupakan cara lain untuk merangsang si buah hati.
4. Hindari stres
Hindari stres karena dapat berdampak negatif pada perkembangan bayi. Jika Anda stres dan cemas, ada kemungkinan akan membuat bayi cemas juga karena Anda berbagi hormon dengannya. Untuk menghindari stres, praktikkan latihan relaksasi atau yoga prenatal.
5. Hentikan kebiasaan tak sehat
Berhentilah merokok, minum alkohol atau mengonsumsi obat-obatan karena dapat menghambat perkembangan otak bayi, menurut sebuah studi yang dilakukan di Moffitt Cancer Center.
This Way To Baby Got High IQ Since the content of [ENG]
This Way To Baby Got High IQ Since the content ofMerry Wahyuningsih - detikHealth
Jakarta, Every parent would want her son was born healthy and grow up to be a smart kid. If you want to have a high IQ children, parents should be prepared as a baby still in the womb.
Health experts have identified factors that may increase baby's IQ when he was in the womb. Eating healthy food and stimulates the unborn child while still in the womb, can create connections in the brain to improve intelligence and concentration, which helps them learn in the future.
Here are some things you can do to increase the IQ of children since she was in the womb, as reported Onlymyhealth, Wednesday (27/02/2013):
1. Frequently invited to speak fetus
Developing fetus in the womb can hear sound that occurs outside the womb after 23 weeks gestation. Babies in the womb have a limited ability to hear, but can distinguish her voice.
Health experts at the NYU Brain Research Laboratories agreed that listening to soothing music or read a poem for your baby since he was still in the womb may be useful to improve writing, reading and language babies later.
2. Eating healthy foods
Making the right choice of eating will not only benefit the pregnant women but also have a positive impact on infant development. Foods high in omega-3 fats (vegetable) and derivatives (DHA) enhance the brain development of infants.
Fatty fish such as tuna, salmon, herring, fish oil, and liver high in omega-3, as well as poultry and egg yolks are encouraged to meet the needs of DHA. Foods high in folic acid, which include citrus fruits, broccoli, liver, green leafy vegetables and beans eliminates the risk of neural defects brain and spinal cord to the baby.
3. Stimulate baby
Study Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychology suggest that dim light can stimulate the baby when placed close to the mother's abdomen. Do not give your baby a bright light directly on the stomach because it can harm the baby's eyes.
You will feel the response when sensing motion to strike or move from the stomach. Gently touch the belly is also another way to stimulate the baby.
4. Avoid stress
Avoid stress as it can have a negative impact on the developing baby. If you are stressed and anxious, it is possible to make baby anxious too because you share with her hormones. To avoid stress, practicing relaxation exercises or prenatal yoga.
5. Stop unhealthy habits
Stop smoking, drinking alcohol or taking drugs because it can hinder brain development in infants, according to a study conducted at the Moffitt Cancer Center.
Jakarta, Every parent would want her son was born healthy and grow up to be a smart kid. If you want to have a high IQ children, parents should be prepared as a baby still in the womb.
Health experts have identified factors that may increase baby's IQ when he was in the womb. Eating healthy food and stimulates the unborn child while still in the womb, can create connections in the brain to improve intelligence and concentration, which helps them learn in the future.
Here are some things you can do to increase the IQ of children since she was in the womb, as reported Onlymyhealth, Wednesday (27/02/2013):
1. Frequently invited to speak fetus
Developing fetus in the womb can hear sound that occurs outside the womb after 23 weeks gestation. Babies in the womb have a limited ability to hear, but can distinguish her voice.
Health experts at the NYU Brain Research Laboratories agreed that listening to soothing music or read a poem for your baby since he was still in the womb may be useful to improve writing, reading and language babies later.
2. Eating healthy foods
Making the right choice of eating will not only benefit the pregnant women but also have a positive impact on infant development. Foods high in omega-3 fats (vegetable) and derivatives (DHA) enhance the brain development of infants.
Fatty fish such as tuna, salmon, herring, fish oil, and liver high in omega-3, as well as poultry and egg yolks are encouraged to meet the needs of DHA. Foods high in folic acid, which include citrus fruits, broccoli, liver, green leafy vegetables and beans eliminates the risk of neural defects brain and spinal cord to the baby.
3. Stimulate baby
Study Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychology suggest that dim light can stimulate the baby when placed close to the mother's abdomen. Do not give your baby a bright light directly on the stomach because it can harm the baby's eyes.
You will feel the response when sensing motion to strike or move from the stomach. Gently touch the belly is also another way to stimulate the baby.
4. Avoid stress
Avoid stress as it can have a negative impact on the developing baby. If you are stressed and anxious, it is possible to make baby anxious too because you share with her hormones. To avoid stress, practicing relaxation exercises or prenatal yoga.
5. Stop unhealthy habits
Stop smoking, drinking alcohol or taking drugs because it can hinder brain development in infants, according to a study conducted at the Moffitt Cancer Center.
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