Sabtu, 09 Maret 2013

Achievement in School Children Could Fall Just Because Less Drinking [ENG]

Achievement in School Children Could Fall Just Because Less DrinkingMerry Wahyuningsih - detikHealth
Jakarta, children who excel in school would make his parents proud. But if the achievement decline, do not rush to scold. There are many causes of decline in children's achievement in school, partly because of the lack of drinking. How so?
Children are more at risk of dehydration (lack of fluids) because it has a ratio of body surface area is relatively larger body mass than adults, so the process of water loss through the skin is relatively larger.
School children often perform physical activities, such as exercising in the hot sun, which increases the likelihood of dehydration.
But it seems that children are less aware of the importance of fluid intake to compensate for their activity. Suspected many students often ignore thirst and drinking limit during the move.
In addition, students also often hold urine because of unhygienic toilet conditions. In fact, a little water intake in the long term health of the kidneys, and can interfere with cognitive performance or intelligence of students.
"Impact induced dehydration in children can lead to impaired cognitive performance are increasingly complex with the impact of decreased concentration and mood. Feared It would lower the value of children learning in school," explained Dr. dr. Luciana B Sutanto, MS, SpGK, clinical nutrition specialist from the RSCM, the Media Seminar on 'Water Can Prevent Dehydration (ABCD) should start from school' at Grand Sahid Hotel, Jakarta, Thursday (28/02/2013).
Dr Luci explains, the effects of dehydration in children of school age proved to cause adverse health effects such as fatigue and stamina. But that has not been known, dehydration also affects cognitive abilities and cause a decrease in concentration, memory loss and a decline in the ability of arithmetic operations.
Less drinking can also cause palpitations, blood pressure drops so there is a sense of dizziness in the head when standing, apathy, drowsiness.
"Children who are dehydrated can cause a disruption in the brain, because the brain cells hydrated. Consequently the child can not concentrate or impaired intelligence. Their value dropped because they can not concentrate in school listening to lectures," said Dr. Dr. Saptawati Bardosono, MSc, Chairman of the Indonesian Hydration Working Group (IHWG).
Efforts to meet the needs of body fluids need to be done by drinking enough according to the needs based on age, weight, activity and environment.
Type of fluid intake required by the body is water, which can be a drink of water and other beverages, and foods that contain a lot of liquid.
"Practical way to prevent dehydration is to drink regular or scheduled, for example, children are advised to spend drinking with a certain dose at school, or can also bring drinks than food supplies. Schedule given at home or assisted to spend a certain number of drinks, for example, every after meal , "concludes Dr Luci.

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